A stone of hope and truth, the positive energies of vivid apple green chrysoprase areΒ believed to open up your heart and mind to welcome new love, joy and prosperity into your life!
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How and where chrysopraseΒ is formed
Chrysoprase is a type of chalcedony, which is a variety of quartz. It's striking apple green colour is due to the presence of trace amounts of nickelΒ during formation. It is most commonly sourced in the United States, Russia, Brazil, Australia, Poland and Tanzania.
ChrysopraseΒ throughout history
The nameΒ chrysopraseΒ isΒ believed to be derivedΒ from the Greek wordsΒ chrysos meaningΒ gold, and prasinonΒ meaningΒ green.Β In antiquity chrysopraseΒ represented the divine love of truth and was assigned toΒ the Goddess Venus. It wasΒ used by the Greeks, Roman and Egyptians to make jewellery, seals, signets and other ornamental itemsΒ because of its beautifulΒ green colour. Legend has itΒ that Alexander the Great would wear a piece of chrysoprase on his belt to help him winΒ battles during his quest for world domination!Β Β
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Chrysoprase meanings, properties and energies
Chrysoprase is believed to attract new love, joy, happiness and prosperity into your life.Β Its calming and positive energies are said to encourage growth and openness to new situations, and help you to align your ideals with your behaviour.Β Excellent for stimulating your creative side, chrysoprase is also thought to draw out your innate gifts and talents.Β
This delightful apple green crystal is believed to open,Β activateΒ and energise the heart and sacral chakras, bringing universal energy and a sense of being a part of the divine whole. It is saidΒ to give hope and personal insights and a feelingΒ of emotional security, while stimulating compassion, forgiveness and self-acceptance.
A birthstone for May, chrysoprase is aΒ lovelyΒ alternative to the more traditional stone for May birthdays, the emerald.
Caring for yourΒ chrysoprase crystals
Chrysoprase can be cleaned with warm soapy water and a soft cloth. Be sure to store it safely away fromΒ sunlight and heat asΒ prolonged exposure may cause fading.Β